Month: June 2024

  • Conformity Conundrum

    Conformity Conundrum

    The reward for conformity is that everyone likes you but yourself. Rita Mae Brown In a world where everyone is trying to fit into the latest Instagram square, it seems like the quest for individuality has become as rare as a typewriter in the age of texting. But why do people crave conformity like it’s…

  • Transforming Your Home into a Haven of Happiness

    Transforming Your Home into a Haven of Happiness

    Okay, I am a Life Coach. I have absolutely no expertise in interior design. Therefore, I am not writing this blog post to tell you how I think you should decorate your home. Instead, I would like to concentrate on what you can do to make your home a sanctuary, a personal haven where every…

  • Accept the Things You Cannot Change

    Accept the Things You Cannot Change

    “There are many things in this unhappy world we cannot alter. We must learn to live with our lot and find peace with ourselves.”― Robin Jarvis, The Final Reckoning Life is unpredictable and complex, filled with variables beyond our control. It’s in your best interest to learn to accept this reality. Sure, it’s in our nature to…

  • Procrastination: A Trail to Destruction

    Procrastination: A Trail to Destruction

    “Procrastination usually results in sorrowful regret. Today’s duties put off tomorrow give us a double burden to bear; the best way is to do them in their proper time.” — Attributed to Ida Scott Taylor Procrastination is a true art form that I seem to have perfected. It’s a thief of my time that snatches my…

  • Insomnia: Night Owl’s Unite!

    Insomnia: Night Owl’s Unite!

    Insomnia and I are well acquainted. We have shared countless nights together, watching the clock tick ever so slowly toward the break of dawn. When I should be deep in dreamland, like the rest of humanity, I lay awake worrying obsessively about really important things: How much did I pay for gas in high school?…