Month: September 2023

  • How To Benefit from Hypnotic Suggestions

    How To Benefit from Hypnotic Suggestions

    Our client’s problem is that they have lost rapport with their unconscious mind. Our job is to help restore that relationship.” Milton Erickson, revered American psychiatrist who specialized in medical hypnosis and family therapy. I could see Joe’s body totally relax. The signs were all there. He was in a deepened state of somnambulism (the…

  • Seven Hypnosis Myths Answered

    Seven Hypnosis Myths Answered

    “YOU’RE THE ONLY ONEWHO CAN UNLOCKYOUR TRUE POTENTIAL& HYPNOSIS IS THE KEY.”― Juliet C. Obodo Hypnosis Myth #1: It’s Possible to get stuck in hypnosis There is no way for anyone to get stuck in a hypnotic state. You always have complete control over your experience. Some people may choose to remain in trance longer than…

  • 5 Things My Cat has Taught Me.

    5 Things My Cat has Taught Me.

    The smallest feline is a masterpiece. – Leonardo da Vinci Have you ever thought about what an amazing creature a cat is? I have a really smart, independent, curious and playful kitty. He delights me every day with his antics. That little guy has taught me a lot about life, and I’m going to share…

  • Cursive Writing in the Age of Digital Communication

    Cursive Writing in the Age of Digital Communication

    Is cursive writing becoming extinct? Cursive writing, also known as script or longhand, is a style of writing where the letters are joined together in a flowing manner. It was once taught as a standard skill in schools, but nowadays, it is often replaced by print or typing. I Remember… As a child, I remember…