A good father will leave his imprint on his daughter for the rest of her life.
-Dr. James Dobson
I think my dad may have been the greatest dad anybody could be blessed with. He always loved us unconditionally, faults and all (and believe me, we had PLENTY of faults.). He has passed to be with our Lord in Heaven, but I miss him every single day of my life. This blog post is a tribute to my wonderful dad.

Daddy took us all on family vacations every summer. Family time together was important to him. We didn’t go to summer camp like most of my friends did. Our “summer camp” was a fun vacation every year with my parents. One summer, when I was 12, we drove all the way up the Alcan Highway to Alaska. We even brought our pregnant cat. Of course, we didn’t know she was pregnant. She played under my dad’s feet the whole time while he was driving. My brothers and I were a real handful, but he and my mom had tremendous patience with us and our bickering. Daddy would always say, “Don’t make me pull over this car.”
My father had a very demanding job in the space industry so getting away for a few weeks each year was essential for his sanity. It was because of my dad, we had fun vacations every year. We traveled all over and had many adventures. I learned how important family was by seeing how my father lived his life, and what his priorities were. Family was everything.
My dad was also very supportive of our dreams and aspirations. He encouraged us to pursue our passions, even if they were unconventional or risky. My brother was a talented artist. My father encouraged him to go to art school in Italy and get a master’s degree in art. When I took up writing, my dad encouraged my creativity. He taught us to be brave and adventurous, to try new things and learn from our mistakes. He was always there to cheer us on, to celebrate our successes and comfort us in our failures. He was proud of us no matter what.
My dad was not only a wonderful, caring father, but also a great human being. He had a kind heart and a generous spirit. He was always ready to help others in need, to lend a hand or a listening ear. He had a dry sense of humor and you couldn’t always tell if he was serious or joking. I think my brothers and I inherited that quality LOL. He was honest, loyal, respectful, and humble. He was a man of integrity and faith.
I am so grateful for having had such an amazing dad in my life. He taught me so much about life, love, and happiness. He gave me the best memories and set the best example for us kids. I will always cherish and honor his memory. I love you dad! Happy Father’s Day!

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