Author: ellensayshi

  • How To Give Back At Christmas

    How To Give Back At Christmas

    Winston Churchill was not only a great leader, but also a great humanitarian. He once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” The quote by Winston Churchill inspires us to think about the true meaning of Christmas. Is it about getting the latest gadgets,…

  • A Self-Care Christmas

    A Self-Care Christmas

    Self-care is not selfish, it’s essential. Especially during the holidays, when stress levels can be high, and expectations can be unrealistic.

  • How to Beat the Holiday Blues: A Guide for a Happier Season

    How to Beat the Holiday Blues: A Guide for a Happier Season

    Like snowflakes, my Christmas memories gather and dance — each beautiful, unique, and gone too soon. — Deborah Whipp Christmas trees, Santa Claus, mistletoe and carolers are all happy, fun holiday pleasures. For most the holidays are a time of joy, celebration and gratitude. There’s nothing better than getting together with friends and loved ones…

  • Gratitude Attitude

    Gratitude Attitude

    We can complain because rose bushes have thorns or rejoice because thorns have roses.”― Alphonse Karr, A Tour Round My Garden Hi everyone, and happy Thanksgiving! 🦃 I hope you are all having a wonderful time with your loved ones, enjoying some delicious food and celebrating the blessings in your life. I know I am! Today, I…

  • How Being Organized Can Improve Your Life

    How Being Organized Can Improve Your Life

    Why put off until tomorrow what you can procrastinate on forever? – Anonymous I have got to be the most unorganized person on the face of this earth. I believe I have lost more important papers and items then I have ever organized correctly. I’m sure you have heard about how socks disappear into the…

  • 8 Feel-Good Movies to Watch Now

    8 Feel-Good Movies to Watch Now

    Think about all of the beauty still left around you and be happy. – Anne Frank. Are you feeling low and need a boost of confidence? Do you want to watch a feel-good movie that will make you laugh and smile? If so, you’re in luck! I have compiled a list of movies that will…

  • How to find your passion and purpose in life with self-reflection and experimentation.

    How to find your passion and purpose in life with self-reflection and experimentation.

    Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. Steve Jobs…

  • What Halloween Movies Reveal About Your Personality

    What Halloween Movies Reveal About Your Personality

    What Halloween movies do you watch every year? The movies you choose says a lot about you and your personality. In this blog post, I will reveal the hidden meanings behind some of the most popular Halloween flicks and what they say about you. Are you ready to find out? Let’s go! So, what Halloween…

  • Ageless Beauty-9 Hacks on How to Feel and Look Younger

    Ageless Beauty-9 Hacks on How to Feel and Look Younger

    You are never too old to become younger!”― Mae West Time Travel I always thought it would be wonderful if I could travel back in time. I would probably go back to the age of 25. This was a time when I had endless energy, no wrinkles and a great outlook on life. I didn’t even…

  • What Does Your Halloween Costume Say About You?

    What Does Your Halloween Costume Say About You?

    Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story.  Mason Cooley, American Aphorist Halloween is just around the corner, and you might be wondering what your choice of costume reveals about your personality. Well, wonder no more, because I have the answers for you! Here are some common Halloween costumes and what they say about you:…