The Depth of a Doodle

“Why are you taking so long? Are you okay?” My friend Cindy sounded concerned. I had been sitting in the bathroom stall quite a while, totally into the artistic doodling playfully drawn on the inside of the stall door.

“Fascinating,” I whispered to myself. Then, I responded, “I’ll only be a minute longer.” She huffed in exasperation. She had become accustomed to my enthrallment with bathroom doodles, but her patience was running thin.

The humongous spider web crept across the door from top to bottom and extended past the door on both sides. It had been drawn with a heavy hand, with thick dark lines. The bulbous spider looked straight at me with sad dark eyes, her desperation evident. Facing the center of the web, from left to right, her destination was obvious.

What did this masterful doodle say to the graphologist in me? Here’s my quick analysis: The artist felt like a prisoner, trapped in her circumstances. The spider faced to the right and toward the center of the web. This sad doodler felt like there was little hope of escape in the immediate future. In fact, she was being drawn deeper and deeper into the depths of the ominous black web. She knew that the trap was of her own making and yet, she did not have the power it would take to make an exit.

The spider represented the doodler herself, expressing unhappiness, worry and despondency in her dark brooding eyes. The far-reaching web indicated her desire to reach out for help to anybody who was perceptive enough to notice. This person showed a tremendous need to be accepted but was willing to stay in a situation that obviously made her miserable and unhappy. The artists heavy hand indicated a determination to express what were probably very intense feelings.

Almost any doodle can be analyzed by a graphologist just like a handwriting sample. The position, size, direction, pressure and symbolism are all important to the graphology analysis. Symbols may mean different things to different people, determined by past experiences, moods and circumstances. The true meaning of a doodle is relative to the situation and the person involved.

Exiting the bathroom stall, I felt for this sad and desperate woman with whom I had connected with for that short moment in time and space. Being a graphologist helped me to see inside her soul more clearly, but anybody would have felt the despondency and fear in this revealing doodle.

When you see a doodle, don’t look upon it as just graffiti, but instead see it as an opening to the inner workings of another human being and the depth of their soul. Keep in mind that we are all just a small speck in the universe our glorious God has created, and we have a personal spiritual connection with one another.





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