Tag: inspiration

  • 8 Feel-Good Movies to Watch Now

    8 Feel-Good Movies to Watch Now

    Think about all of the beauty still left around you and be happy. – Anne Frank. Are you feeling low and need a boost of confidence? Do you want to watch a feel-good movie that will make you laugh and smile? If so, you’re in luck! I have compiled a list of movies that will…

  • 5 Steps to Manifest What You Want with the Law of Attraction

    5 Steps to Manifest What You Want with the Law of Attraction

    When you visualize, then you materialize. If you’ve been there in the mind, you’ll go there in the body. Dr. Denis Waitley Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a rut, unable to achieve your goals or fulfill your desires? Do you wonder why some people seem to have it all, while you…

  • The Trials of Life

    The Trials of Life

    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved. -Helen Keller A Roller Coaster Ride. Hi everyone, welcome to my blog. Today I want to talk about something that I’m sure many of you can relate to:…

  • How To Benefit from Hypnotic Suggestions

    How To Benefit from Hypnotic Suggestions

    Our client’s problem is that they have lost rapport with their unconscious mind. Our job is to help restore that relationship.” Milton Erickson, revered American psychiatrist who specialized in medical hypnosis and family therapy. I could see Joe’s body totally relax. The signs were all there. He was in a deepened state of somnambulism (the…

  • Seven Hypnosis Myths Answered

    Seven Hypnosis Myths Answered

    “YOU’RE THE ONLY ONEWHO CAN UNLOCKYOUR TRUE POTENTIAL& HYPNOSIS IS THE KEY.”― Juliet C. Obodo Hypnosis Myth #1: It’s Possible to get stuck in hypnosis There is no way for anyone to get stuck in a hypnotic state. You always have complete control over your experience. Some people may choose to remain in trance longer than…

  • 5 Things My Cat has Taught Me.

    5 Things My Cat has Taught Me.

    The smallest feline is a masterpiece. – Leonardo da Vinci Have you ever thought about what an amazing creature a cat is? I have a really smart, independent, curious and playful kitty. He delights me every day with his antics. That little guy has taught me a lot about life, and I’m going to share…

  • Your Wish is Your Command! We Can Create Our Reality!

    Your Wish is Your Command! We Can Create Our Reality!

    He who doubts that the best will come to him with doing of that which is correct is already defeated. Don’t blame others for what has happened or may happen. Do right yourself, physically, mentally and spiritually, and the best will come to you. Edgar Cayce Reading 5203-1 We are the creators of our experience.…

  • Beating Your Own Elusive Dragons

    Beating Your Own Elusive Dragons

    Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten. – Neil Gaiman As I travel through the mystical realm of literature, a powerful quote from the acclaimed storyteller Neil Gaiman speaks to me like a timeless enchantment: “Fairy tales are…

  • The Collage of Life

    The Collage of Life

    Are you confused about what you really want to do with your life? Try this creative project to clear the confusion. Collect Go through a stack of magazines, and when you see an image, a word or a phrase that jumps out at you- that resonates to you- cut it out. Take your time so that you can capture the…

  • How Handwritten Letters Can Improve Communication

    How Handwritten Letters Can Improve Communication

    I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead. ― Mark Twain Stone Age vs. Digital Age Which is Better? I grew up in the Stone Age before internet, e-mail, chatting or texting was even a thought in somebody’s imagination. We didn’t describe our feelings with emoticons, or…