Tag: Relationship

  • The Power of Encouragement: Uplifting Your Friends

    The Power of Encouragement: Uplifting Your Friends

    What do we live for, if not to make life less difficult for each other? -George Eliot In the journey of life, encouragement acts as a catalyst for growth and happiness. It’s the gentle nudge that can push someone to pursue their dreams, the comforting words that can lift spirits on a bad day, and…

  • What Valentine’s Day Candy Hearts Don’t Say πŸ’ŒπŸ’˜πŸ’žπŸ’

    What Valentine’s Day Candy Hearts Don’t Say πŸ’ŒπŸ’˜πŸ’žπŸ’

    Instead of celebrating Valentine’s Day this year, I’m celebrating Discount Chocolate Tuesday. – Unknown I love Valentine’s Day as much as the next woman. And I have to admit that if I had the choice, I would always choose being madly in love with a generous handsome man. He would pamper me with a fragrant…

  • Seven Hypnosis Myths Answered

    Seven Hypnosis Myths Answered

    β€œYOU’RE THE ONLY ONEWHO CAN UNLOCKYOUR TRUE POTENTIAL& HYPNOSIS IS THE KEY.”― Juliet C. Obodo Hypnosis Myth #1: It’s Possible to get stuck in hypnosis There is no way for anyone to get stuck in a hypnotic state. You always have complete control over your experience. Some people may choose to remain in trance longer than…

  • Dating Hiatus-Pros and Cons

    Dating Hiatus-Pros and Cons

    Taking a dating hiatus I saw something on TV the other day that I found intriguing. I know that’s hard to believe- something interesting on TV . . . but I digress. Somebody wrote a book about the merits of taking a dating hiatus. They suggested using that time productively by writing two lists. One…

  • How Handwritten Letters Can Improve Communication

    How Handwritten Letters Can Improve Communication

    I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead. ― Mark Twain Stone Age vs. Digital Age Which is Better? I grew up in the Stone Age before internet, e-mail, chatting or texting was even a thought in somebody’s imagination. We didn’t describe our feelings with emoticons, or…

  • Single and Loving It

    Single and Loving It

    I think it’s very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not defined by another person. -Oscar Wilde Can Singledom be awesome? Being single is not a curse, it’s a blessing. The reality is, 110.6 million Americans ages 18 or older (or 45.2 percent) are single, according to data from…

  • Reigning Cats and Dogs

    Reigning Cats and Dogs

    In the honeymoon of a relationship everything seems perfect. That desirable man can do no wrong. Even when he shows up at your door with a mischievous mega dog named Cujo, a giant Great Dane. As Cujo sends you sprawling with a playful nudge, your love interest laughingly comments that his “puppy” is just an…

  • A Rosy Outcome

    A Rosy Outcome

    “A rose for my gorgeous rose.” he said with a wink and a smile. The lovely pink rose was an article of delicate perfection. Things had been a little tense between them lately, and the simple gesture of love was just what she needed. Reaching for the beautiful flower, Carey gushed. “I had better watch…