Author: ellensayshi

  • Beyond the Money: How Freelance Writing Can Fulfill Your Passion and Purpose

    Beyond the Money: How Freelance Writing Can Fulfill Your Passion and Purpose

    “Writing isn’t about making money, getting famous, getting dates, getting laid, or making friends. In the end, it’s about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life, as well. It’s about getting up, getting well, and getting over. Getting happy, okay? Getting happy.” — Stephen King, On Writing: A…

  • Reigning Cats and Dogs

    Reigning Cats and Dogs

    In the honeymoon of a relationship everything seems perfect. That desirable man can do no wrong. Even when he shows up at your door with a mischievous mega dog named Cujo, a giant Great Dane. As Cujo sends you sprawling with a playful nudge, your love interest laughingly comments that his “puppy” is just an…

  • How to Spice Up Your Sex Life with Hypnosis

    How to Spice Up Your Sex Life with Hypnosis

    “There is nothing safe about sex. There never will be.”  -Norman Mailer “CAN HYPNOSIS IMPROVE MY SEX LIFE? TELL ME ABOUT HYPNO–SEX I’M DESPERATE!” I received this instant message in bold capital letters from a man in New York. Getting some work done on my computer, I didn’t have time to answer this question again.…

  • Break Free from Inner Blocks and Embrace Your Full Power

    Break Free from Inner Blocks and Embrace Your Full Power

    “The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” You have the power to create your own reality and achieve your dreams. Don’t let your inner blocks stop you from taking action and making progress. Start today by identifying and resolving your conflicts, and watch your life transform for the better. You deserve it!…

  • Ghosting in Online Dating

    Ghosting in Online Dating

    “Ghosting is the ultimate use of the silent treatment, a tactic that has often been viewed by mental health professionals as a form of emotional cruelty.” — Jennice Vilhauer, Ph.D. Ghosting is Scary I’m writing today about a subject that strikes fear into the hearts of many online daters – Ghosting. It’s a travesty that…

  • Computers-R-Us


    Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all! John F. Kennedy NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) is all about speaking to the unconscious mind in a language it can easily understand. Believe it or not, the unconscious mind understands things differently than the conscious mind does. Like a computer, the unconscious mind is a great deal more…

  • Hypnosis and NLP: The Ultimate Combo for Weight Loss Success

    Hypnosis and NLP: The Ultimate Combo for Weight Loss Success

    Since most problems are created by our imagination and are thus imaginary, all we need are imaginary solutions. -Richard Bandler In this blog post I’m going to give you some advice that will help you to lose weight😁 and improve your health. 👍 You don’t have to starve yourself or follow some off-the-wall diet that…

  • Improve Self-Image in 4 Easy Steps

    Improve Self-Image in 4 Easy Steps

    “Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing.”― August Wilson Listen to Your Thoughts When you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, consciously change them to positive ones. Constructive self-talk will have a positive influence on your…

  • Tomboy Days

    Tomboy Days

    She remembers these as happy times – tomboy days, when she still glittered like quartz in her father’s eye. Until puberty came along, as puberty will, and shattered the cozy sense of conspiracy. -Alison Fell Growing up as a rough and tumble tomboy was quite an adventure. I had two older brothers who were always…

  • Haunted Dolls

    Haunted Dolls

    “Some dolls are just toys, but some dolls are something else. Something dark and twisted. Something that wants to hurt you. Something that is possessed by an evil spirit. Don’t trust any doll that looks at you funny. It might be waiting for the right moment to strike.” – Anonymous Hi everyone, welcome back to…